As I am prone to do when we stop by the library, I pick books to read to her that often times are of interest to me as well. And so it was when I checked out "Duke Ellington's Nutcracker Suite."
Now the cool thing was my 8-year-old daughter didn't know who Duke Ellington was. So not only did I get to read a really cool book to her, but I also got the chance to introduce my daughter to jazz. And on top of that I learned something about Duke Ellington that he didn't know before.....he wrote a jazz version of the Nutcracker Suite. Many people are familiar with this Christmas classic.
Thanks to social media, we went online and found a video with Duke Ellington himself directing his orchestra. It was a great experience not only to read the book, but to get to see and hear him, as well as hear the music that we were just reading about.
When we started the video, my daughter asked, "Mama what kind of music is this?" I told her it was jazz. She liked it. So now instead of watching the news every night, while the kids are cleaning the kitchen, we put on some classic jazz or even some smooth jazz, and I have found that they all like it.
And it is a great, peaceful way to bring the night to a close. So read with your kids, and open up unknown worlds to them. It is great feeling as a parent to introduce them to new things that may stay with them the rest of their lives. That is a WOW Moment!
So turn off that TV...and put on a little jazz....or just curl up around a good book....may I suggest one...."Duke Ellington's Nutcracker Suite."