But throughout it all, God continued to remind me to just keep putting one foot in front of the other...to trust Him even when uncertainly seemed present on every hand, and to praise Him in spite of the circumstances. This was not the first time God had reminded me of these things, but I certainly appreciated Him loving me enough to gently remind me again.
So...although I don't make New Year's resolutions, I will say that my goal in 2011 is to learn to be content.
We were given a homework assignment in church not too long, and I think recapping it is a great way to start off my quest toward contentment.
We were asked to write down what we were thankful for....in less than 5 minutes, here is how my list started....so it's my WOW Moment today....a Thank You God for what He's already done....
Salvation, my growing faith in Christ, God's grace and mercy, my marriage, my family.....
Lord I'm grateful for your presence in my life, that I get to walk with you and know you the Creator
For friendships, for gifts/abilities, for the joy of small things like laughing until you cry at something silly, for hugs and kisses, for getting to see my kids grow up, for being able to be involved in their lives, for a church that teaches your Word, for the opportunity to serve, encourage, and bless others
Thank you Lord for life, for health, for love....Thank you for safety, provisions, for the power of prayer to change things, Thank you for what you've done in my life, Thanks for keeping me, Thanks for hearing me when I pray and for picking me up when I fall
God did all of that and more for me in 2010, and though many times I whined and complained, I am even more Thankful that His love covers a multitude of sins, even my own self-centeredness....
So that's my WOW Moment today....I hope you will take the time to start a list of all that God has done in your life and then stand in AWE of who He is and have your own private WOW Moment with God.
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