I LOVE my job! There are so many things running through my head right now, that I will try to contain in all without writing a novel. First, for those who have read my blog for a while, you know that in January 2011, I wrote a blog about a job that I really wanted, but didn't get. I was devastated. Here is the thing about the job, it was a writing position that I really would have loved, but my heart was still in children's ministry and I couldn't see anything on the horizon that God was doing there.
And now, fast forward a year and see what God has done. I'm a children's ministry director. I live and breath this stuff. It is my heart's passion. And yes, I have had to confess my lack of faith to God, and thank Him for always giving me His best even when I nag Him to give me what I want, right now!
So I encourage you with the words that God has spoken to me throughout these 12 months. Trust Him. He is a good Father. He always seeks our good and does what is best for us, even when it may not be the easiest thing for us to deal with.
So every day I walk into work with a Kool-Aid smile, extremely grateful that God allows me to minister to children every day. And here is the super-whipped, double-chocolate frosting with extra sprinkles on top this week....after just 3 weeks on the job, I had the privilege of leading a child to Christ at First Baptist Church. Later yesterday, I had the great privilege of leading my own daughter to Christ as well. And that all capped off a service where at church a six-year old shared how God gave him a story in the wind. "The Lord is telling me not to forget Him." To see Mekai share his story and his song, CLICK HERE. [By the way, this is how I started my day...see the entire sermon CLICK HERE.]
I was struck the whole day by this basic fact--the Gospel message is simple. "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
Let's be about our Father's business. Take every opportunity to share the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit and leave the results to God. AMEN!