I grew up singing "Amazing Grace" in church. And it was always just a nice hymn. It only took on new meaning for me after I surrendered my life to Christ to follow the example He set. It was only then that the power of those words were magnified in my heart, "Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see."
Today's message in church was so powerful because it was such a vivid reminder of the lengths that God went through to pursue me, save me, and have a relationship with me. It reminded me of what a personal God that I serve, that although He is the Creator of all things, He never loses sight of me.
There is a freedom that comes in knowing that my sins are forgiven and that God has made me in His image and is molding me every day to be more like His Son, the example that Christ lived out as God in the flesh, here on earth. It is more than just a Christmas card slogan, "And they shall call His name Emmanuel, God with us."
God came as a man to walk among us, to know our sorrows, our troubles, our joys, and triumphs. Then He died in our place, though we were totally undeserving because He loved us that much. Christ became sin for us, that we could escape the judgement, but reap the rewards.
Grace! It changed my life. I am redeemed. I have been bought with a high price....the Blood of the Lamb. Imagine that. I was in bondage, in darkness, a slave. But Christ seeing my condition and knowing I was powerless to save myself...He paid the ransom. That I could be set free, released, given a new life.
I hope you know Him and that you walk in that freedom each day, that you thank Him for the great sacrifice He made, that you live your life to honor the debt He paid.
The Bible says, "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." WOW! There is no greater love. Words can't describe the joy I have that I get to live that out each day. It is what gives my life purpose and meaning for eternity.
What is it that you're living for? Not just for today, but for eternity?